
Welcome to my blog where I post an array of exciting vitality articles, all based around areas of nutrition, food, fitness, longevity and natural beauty. Some articles are based on questions I often receive, whilst others are things I personally recommend and practice, eye-opening ideas you will want to know about, including botanical research that fascinates me and might fascinate you too. All articles are written and researched by me, Kyle Vialli.

This Traditional Afghan Method of Keeping Fruit Fresh Will Blow Your Mind

This Traditional Afghan Method of Keeping Fruit Fresh Will Blow Your Mind

What do you do if you want to prolong the shelf life of your favourite seasonal fruits? Putting the fruit in the fridge can help extend its lifespan for a week or so beyond the kitchen fruit bowl. Longer than that, you would certainly consider freezing, or, if you are…
The Spice Produced by This Common UK Vegetable is Nearly as Expensive as Saffron

The Spice Produced by This Common UK Vegetable is Nearly as Expensive as Saffron

The mere mention of saffron inevitably conjures up the far-flung and exotic. Even though there is at least one commercial grower in England, (which produces less than a kg in total harvest), most saffron comes from Iran, a country literally dripping with mystique. By contrast, the spice or seasoning I…
It’s Blue! Discover one of the World’s Rarest Salts

It’s Blue! Discover one of the World’s Rarest Salts

Blue Persian rock salt is one of the rarest, and consequently, one of the most expensive natural salts in the world. The unique blue properties of the salt are derived through naturally occurring deposits of Potassium Chloride crystals known as Sylvite. As a result, the salt is also a good…

What Food Actually Looks Like (in the Beginning)!

What Food Actually Looks Like (in the Beginning)!

In this pictorial series, I will be demystifying the often surprising behind-the-scenes reality, that is: where our ingredients come from before they get to our plates or our kitchen cupboards – how they actually look in the garden or the farmers’ field, at the very beginning, before any form of…

The Healing Properties of Frankincense Water and How to Make It

The Healing Properties of Frankincense Water and How to Make It

A testament of their famed medicinal prowess, Boswellia trees are capable of thriving in unforgiving conditions. They have been farmed on the desert plains boarding the Dhofar mountains for over five thousand years, tapped 2 or 3 times a year for their sap; an aromatic resin known as frankincense.  The…

Less than 1% of Brits have tried this Popular Victorian Root

Less than 1% of Brits have tried this Popular Victorian Root

Just as you made the right impression all those years ago by pronouncing quinoa (keen-wah) instead of quin-noah, you won’t want to mispronounce this relatively unknown member of the dandelion (and also daisy) family. Salsify, pronounced sal-si-fee, used to be a popular root vegetable in the 1800s, but in the…

The Truth About Coffee

The Truth About Coffee

Within the world of nutrition and especially where social engineering intersects, many foods are given a veneer of properties and prestige they simply do not have in reality. Coffee – the most widely-used psychoactive substance of the modern world, is the quintessential example of such a substance, culturally and dietically…

Wrinkle-Free Sleeping

Wrinkle-Free Sleeping

Have you ever woken up with ‘sleep-creases’ or ‘sleep lines’ on your face? While the creases usually go away later the same day, they are an indication of the damage that is done to your face when sleeping on a cotton pillowcase. And as we get older, our skin typically…



If you are looking to boost your immunity, ward off seasonal flu, stoke your digestive fires, increase your tolerance of the cold and damp, and/or increase warm blood flow to your hands and footsies, look no further than the powerful, delicious and easy to make herbal tonic known as Fire…

This Fruit Purges Fluoride from the Body

This Fruit Purges Fluoride from the Body

Nowadays, more and more people are waking up to the deleterious effects of fluoride. Whereas much industrial and governmental commentation only focuses on the dental effect of fluoride (with dental/skeletal fluorosis being labeled the primary concern from having too much fluoride), numerous scientists and researchers have highlighted the problematic systemic/biological…

Our Designated Diet Beyond Breast Milk: Musings on Edenic Nutrition

Our Designated Diet Beyond Breast Milk: Musings on Edenic Nutrition

Some of the most persistent misconceptions surrounding nutrition congregate around the subject of “what is the natural diet for humans (after breast milk)?”. The idea is relatively simple: identify which human diet is the “designated” one, the most “biological”, “Edenic”, “ancestral” or “instinctive” and you have the blueprint for human…