
Welcome to my blog where I post an array of exciting vitality articles, all based around areas of nutrition, food, fitness, longevity and natural beauty. Some articles are based on questions I often receive, whilst others are things I personally recommend and practice, eye-opening ideas you will want to know about, including botanical research that fascinates me and might fascinate you too. All articles are written and researched by me, Kyle Vialli.

Make This Simple, Wholesome Alkalising Mouthwash For Stronger, Cleaner, Whiter Teeth

Make This Simple, Wholesome Alkalising Mouthwash For Stronger, Cleaner, Whiter Teeth

This simple, effective mouthwash will not only save you a lot of money compared to the purchase of most commercial or store bought mouthwash products, even more importantly, unlike 99% of said products, it does not contain any harsh chemicals, alcohol derivatives or other dubious ingredients that can get absorbed…
Drink Your Medicines and Eat Your Calories!

Drink Your Medicines and Eat Your Calories!

I have said it a few times on stage and in interviews: “eat your calories and drink your medicines”. While I think a lot of people will intuitively grasp the sense of my statement, today I will unpack it further. It might even lead to a deeper appreciation of medicine.Most…
The Brown Rice Con and How To Upgrade White Rice

The Brown Rice Con and How To Upgrade White Rice

For over 15 years, I have been informing good people, through articles, lectures and one-on-one consultations, about a set of revelatory dietary insights I collectively coined “The Truth About Nutrition”. Now, there are different components to this understanding, but one of the axiomatic components is that foods contain nutrients and…

The Shocking Truth About Aloe Vera (And How to Remove the Latex)

The Shocking Truth About Aloe Vera (And How to Remove the Latex)

If you have been following my work for a while, read the articles I put out, or are, or have been, one of my clients, you will know that I am very quick to highlight the dangers and potential dangers of plants and wholefoods. I have covered the salient points…

The Two Extreme Relationships to Nutrition & The Cosmology of Vitality

The Two Extreme Relationships to Nutrition & The Cosmology of Vitality

I would like to say a few words about nutrition and its place within the larger wheel or constellation of human health. After all, the fact that nutrition is an important component of our health and wellbeing is not yet to say to what extent it is so. As we…

The Truth About Lifespan, Centenarians and History

The Truth About Lifespan, Centenarians and History

One question I sometimes get goes something like this: "If modern man is so unhealthy, how comes his lifespan continues to expand? Don't we live twice as long as we used to?"Short Answer: Well, no actually! Long Answer: One of the most pervasive myths in our society revolves around the subject…



Kyle Vialli exudes vitality for life: it’s a life based on researching, writing, vitality adventures and coaching about radical vitality. I’ve been a follower of their newsletter for a few years now and look forward to various musings on how and why our Grandmothers did certain things with food, for…

An Octave of Insight

An Octave of Insight

As a general rule, all the very oldest people of this planet are not getting on Facebook or TikTok to let everybody know what age milestone they have accomplished and what they have learnt along the way. As a general rule, the long-lived and hyper long-lived, live very private lives,…

The Nutritional Masterclass of Austria. Why This Talented Seed is Head and Shoulders Above the Rest

The Nutritional Masterclass of Austria. Why This Talented Seed is Head and Shoulders Above the Rest

Within nutrition nowadays, the quality, variety and provenance of what you eat, is often much more important, much more decisive, than the common or colloquial name of the food ingredient. Despite the unassuming simplicity of a given named ingredient: lemon, honey, garlic, soya sauce, ginger, olive oil, cheese, tomato, (or…

The Dirty Truth About Chewing Gum

The Dirty Truth About Chewing Gum

Did you know, chewing gum (the product, not the concept) is laced with micro-plastics. This is because the main ingredient in chewing gum is literally synthetic plastic in nearly all cases, with two ingredients, in particular, seeming to dominate: polyethylene and polyvinyl acetate - two components of a typical plastic…

The Obscure Additives and Preservatives Lurking in your Organic Foods

The Obscure Additives and Preservatives Lurking in your Organic Foods

As most of us know, citric acid naturally occurs in fruits, especially the citrus family. Indeed, prior to the 1920s, all citric acid - chiefly used as a ubiquitous food preservative, was extracted directly from unripe lemons. But for nearly 100 years now, this is very rarely the case. In…