
Horn Comb Secret: Hair & Electricity
Horn Comb Secret: Hair & Electricity

For most of human history we groomed ourselves with nature and nature-made objects. It was only the last, most recent blip that brought the human species (and pretty much every other species, for that matter) into direct contact with petrochemical made plastic, and almost over night, an explosion of plastic grooming devices became the norm. Long before this point, however, we discovered that horn was one of the most fitting materials for hair-care because it is comprised of precisely the same protein as our own hair – keratin. Not only do horn combs promote thicker, healthier more lustrous hair, and glide smoothly through our locks – made as they are of the self-same structural protein, unlike plastic combs or brushes, they do not trap static electricity.

Did you know that static electricity, in and of itself, can disturb heathy hair growth by producing an unbalanced electrical potential across the hair shaft, from the root to the tip. Especially if you are ungrounded, unconnected to the Earth's naturally present reservoir of electrons and protons, as almost all of us are, for most of the day. In fact, healthy growth in all areas of the human body is mediated by correct electrical potential. Without the correct electrics, growth is stunted, and in time dis-ease establishes itself. At a very basic level, to grow our highest potential hair, we need to brush with natural materials and ground ourselves by regular barefoot interaction with the earth, and/or hand or foot contact with medium to large trees who have their roots deep in the soil.

See HERE for our own traditional buffalo horn combs, in two different sizes.

Kyle Author