Consultation with Kyle Vialli - In Person or By Phone/Skype/Instagram/Zoom
In Person consultations currently available in Winnipeg, Canada. When Kyle is back in England, in person consults in London and Brighton will begin again
For those that cannot consult with Kyle physically in Brighton or London, England or Winnipeg, Canada, you can do so from the comfort of your own home – wherever you are in the World – via telephone, Skype, Instagram or Zoom. Kyle will simply call you at the allocated time.
For more information on Kyle's life-changing vitality consultations please see the main page here.
After purchase we will get in touch via email to organise the nearest available timeslot for your consultation. We will also email you a (non-compulsory) vitality questionnaire that will give Kyle a general background to your requirements ahead of your session.
“Well, it’s been about 1 year since my consultation with you and I can say that in the last 4 weeks all my old complaints have gone. My digestion is so strong, I can now eat anything. My energy levels are higher, feel better, look better, more thought power etc. So I’d just like to say thankyou for the life changing knowledge. Now I am in this game I find it difficult to understand why more people don’t do it also.” Mark Hamilton
Delivery Information
All orders are carefully shipped from sunny Brighton, in East Sussex, on the Southern coast of England, UK.
For Canada, regardless of order size, our shipping rate is only £19.99
Important please note: When placing an order to be delivered outside of the UK/EU/USA/CANADA, we will be in touch after you complete your order to accurately calculate your delivery costs. Delivery costs will need to be paid in full before your order can be dispatched.