
Shungite: How to Make Your Own Antioxidant Water with this Nobel Prize Discovery
Shungite: How to Make Your Own Antioxidant Water with this Nobel Prize Discovery

Not too far from the Finnish border in North West Russia, on the shores of Europe’s second largest lake, lies a most remarkable deposit of mineraloid rock – Shungite. 300 years ago Peter the Great funded Russia’s first spa on the shores of Lake Onega to make use of the unique antiseptic and healing properties of the lakes’ Shungite water. Having experienced the benefits himself, he henceforth ordered each of his soldiers to carry a piece of Shungite in their water flasks so they could always have clean, strengthening and disinfected drinking water. The spa was closed after Peter the Great died and knowledge of Shungite’s esteemed properties were forgotten by all except the locals. Until recently that is.

Shungite is rich in a most unusual compound that landed three scientists the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for its “discovery” in 1996. The name of this compound is Fullerenes. Fullerenes join the more famous molecules Graphite and Diamond as a third known natural form of crystalline carbon. Pure Shungite is comprised of 95%+ carbon and has a uniquely high Fullerene content. What is so incredible is that aside from its presence in certain meteorites, fullerenes have thus far not been found to naturally occur in anything else other than Shungite. Indeed, some scientists have proposed that the Shungite site in Russia is in fact the ancient remains of a giant meteor that crashed long ago.

Silver Shungite

So what’s the fuss about fullerenes?

Long before fullerenes were named Russian scientists had been studying Shungite for a long time. Grigory Andrievsky, Ph.D. in Bioorganic Chemistry, was one of the first Russian scientists (working at the Institute of Therapy at the Ukrainian Academy of Medical Sciences) to prove that the specific properties of Shungite were due to the presence of fullerenes. His aim was to research interest in the healing properties of the water which sprang from the Shungite deposits alongside other Shungite uses adopted by the locals in NW Russia.

From his research, he claimed that the water passing through the Shungite deposits at Lake Onega are being enriched by fullerenes and that aqueous solutions of natural fullerenes are amongst the most powerful antioxidants known today. These natural fullerenes have the ability to reduce the concentration of free radicals like no other antioxidant and their action is stronger and longer lasting. Grigory also concluded that natural fullerenes, derived from Shungite, normalise cellularmetabolism, stimulate the regeneration of tissues, increase the resistance of the body’s cells, possess anti-inflammatory properties, act against toxins and can neutralise toxins in the body. Modern testing has confirmed the anti-bacterial properties of Shungite and it has been used commercially in Russia as a water purification media since the 1990s where it is reported to remove contaminants such as bacteria (and other microbes), nitrates, heavy metals, pesticides, volatile organics, pharmaceuticals, chlorine and fluoride. It is also said that after drinking Shungite enriched water there is a dramatic decrease of histamine in the blood stream, which helps reduce allergies.

So how do I make my own Shungite water?

Before I outline the very brief instructions for making your own antioxidant-rich Shungite water, it is important to be aware that most Shungite sold today is not Shungite per se, but Shungite slate or Shungite-containing rock, which though considerably cheaper to purchase, is also proportionately much lower in carbon and the all important fullerene molecules. Shungite slate looks very similar to common charcoal and is dull black in colour. The true, pure Shungite to which I refer is often known commercially as Silver, Elite or Noble Shungite. Genuine Shungite is a lustrous silver to blackish mineral that conducts electricity very well. Fake Shungite will not light up a lightbulb when it is connected into a circuit with a battery. Finally it should be noted that Shungite is likely over a billion years old already and it can be used on a conisistent basis, without concern that its properties will ever “run out”.


  1. Add 50g of Shungite to 2 litres (or 100g to 4 litres) of your choice of pure water. Glass jug or Pyrex saucepan recommended.
  2. Let Shungite sit in water overnight.
  3. The next day, drink a glass upon waking. Let the Shungite remain in your water until you are ready to drink it as fullerene stability and transference will be greater. Drink Shungite/fullerene water throughout the day as per your usual desires for water. For best effects, Shungite water should replace at least 50% of all your usual water consumption.
  4. To take Shungite water to work/on hiking trips etc, simply keep a few chunks inside a flask or wide-lipped glass bottle and you can simply top up the water throughout the day.

Please click here to purchase Genuine Shungite (aka Elite/Noble or Silver Shungite) sourced directly from Russia.

Kyle Author